Ethan is a big brother like no other!
Life with a special need child has its fair share of challenges. These challenges are not only for the parents, but extend to those other wonderful little children, the siblings. This book helps shine some light on the difficulties and the job siblings special needs children experience every day. It is a light-hearted take of one little boy's thoughts of his big brother Ethan, who was born with Cerebral Palsy.
I rated this book 5 *****'s
This book is such a special read
I loved reading this book. I read it with my Mom when we went camping last month. It is a short book but very special to read. I liked the illustration as well. I wish I can draw like that.
I can relate to this book when my big brother a little bit. They have different situations but help to understand them are the same. Dealing with my big brother sometimes is difficult, my Mom always remind me that he is different in a very special way. You just have to be there for him. I still love my big brother despite being different.
It does not matter to me if some kids are different just like my big brother. They still have the heart and needs compassion, understanding and above all unconditional love. We have no right to judge them because they are different. Life is full of mystery and we need to respect other people.
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From Loving Healing Press http://www.lhpress.com/
"As a mother, and advocate for, special needs children, I highly recommend this book as a learning tool for others. I gave my child a voice, as this author is doing for his, and I applaud him for it." -- Chynna Laird, author of I'm Not Weird, I Have Sensory Processing Disorder and Not Just Spirited
"Engaging and lighthearted, My Brother is Special captures what children with cerebral palsy and their families may experience. The characters are loveable and entertaining. Chidren will enjoy this book and relate to their experiences"
-- Jill Osborne, EDS, LPC, CPC, RPTS, author of Sam Feels Better Now

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on it today, I haven't read this one yet xx