Book Description:
Bringing a new dog into the household should be one of life’s happiest events. The process always starts with excitement and high expectations. Too often, though, it ends in disappointment. The new puppy wakes everyone three times a night, gnaws on furniture, piddles everywhere, knocks the children down. The new adolescent dog is too wild. The new adult dog growls at your neighbors. And where did all this dog hair come from?

How To Find Your Dream Dog is here to fix the disconnect of dog ownership. It walks you step-by-step through the process of choosing the right type of dog for you—not only exploring the canine qualities that can determine your perfect puppy, adolescent, or adult dog, but also assessing your lifestyle to make sure you’re a good match for the dog, too. The book also looks at good (and bad) sources for finding healthy and sound pet dogs, gives guidelines for evaluating individual puppies, and warns of some red flags to watch out for during your dog search. With this guidebook in hand, you can be confident that the next puppy or dog you bring home will be the right companion and friend for you for the rest of its days.
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Author's Bio:
Dixie Tenny is a Certified Training Partner with the Karen Pryor Academy of Animal Training and Behavior. During her 30+ years spent working with people and their pets, she has seen again and again how mismatches between dog and owner can create “behavior problems” that never would have happened if the right dog had been matched to the right owner in the first place. She wrote this book to help puppy buyers and dog adopters start out on the best possible foot with their new pet dogs, and stay on that path for years to come.

Interview with Dixie Tenny, author of How to Find Your Dream Dog
Q: Why did you write a book about choosing a dog?
Q: Are dogs your favorite animal?
Q: What is your next writing project?
Q: Have you done any other interesting work?
A: I began helping people with their pet dogs’ training and behavior over 30 years ago. Through all those years, I saw so many mismatched “couples” — people who had chosen a wonderful dog, but also a type of dog that just didn’t fit into their lifestyle. Those were my hardest cases, because so much of what the owners thought of as “behavior problems” was really just normal behavior for that type of dog. I wrote this book to try to help people find the right dog in the first place, so those mismatches don’t happen.
A: I can’t imagine my life without dogs. I love cats, too: I have four of them! And I have a soft spot in my heart for a funny little animal called a pangolin, which, sadly, is the most illegally trafficked animal in the world.
Q: Have you written any other books?
A: Yes. I wrote a young adult suspense novel when I was a young adult myself! It’s title is “Call the Darkness Down,” and it tells the story of an American college student who goes abroad for a term in the country of Wales, where her mother came from, and becomes involved in a dark family mystery.
A: I hope to write at least two more books that follow on “How to Find Your Dream Dog”: one about preparing yourself and your household to bring a dog home, and one about setting a great foundation during the first week at home with a puppy. I also dream of creating an online puppy course for pet owners.
A: I really enjoyed working as a volunteer tour guide - a docent - at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle for several years. Learning all about the animals and then sharing that with the zoo visitors was very rewarding. As well as animal facts, I loved telling visitors about the fun behind-the-scenes stories, like the time a zookeeper dropped his radio in the orangutan exhibit…the big male orangutan took the radio completely apart, put it back together, and when he handed it back through the bars to the zookeeper, it worked!

Thanks so much for the great review of my book "How to Find Your Dream Dog!" I'm thrilled that you liked it enough to recommend it and rate it five paws! And so happy that you already found your dream dogs. I hope that my book can help some of your readers as they look for dream dogs of their own.